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100-day satisfaction guarantee
100-day satisfaction guarantee
The 100-day satisfaction guarantee ensures you can test our products without any worry. For many people, our products provide a solution. Have you tried a product and it doesn’t work for you? Then you get your money back.
FODMAPs are primarily found in dairy, fruit, vegetables, wheat, soy and legumes
Reduces the risk of gas formation*1
150 Capsules
Unique blend of digestive enzymes
Helps with the digestion of starch and sucrose
Starch and sucrose are primarily found in grains, potatoes, fruit and processed foods like cookies and sauces
Low FODMAP-certified and vegan
Quatrase 10,000 (Forte)
36 Capsules
Special blend of digestive enzymes
Helps break down complex carbohydrates (FODMAPs)
FODMAPs are primarily found in dairy, fruit, vegetables, wheat, soy and legumes
Reduces the risk of gas formation*1
Quatrase 10,000 (Forte)
Testpack 6 Capsules
Special blend of digestive enzymes
Helps break down complex carbohydrates (FODMAPs)
FODMAPs are primarily found in dairy, fruit, vegetables, wheat, soy and legumes
Reduces the risk of gas formation*1
50 Capsules
Unique blend of digestive enzymes
Helps with the digestion of starch and sucrose
Starch and sucrose are primarily found in grains, potatoes, fruit and processed foods like cookies and sauces
Low FODMAP-certified and vegan
Testpack 6 Capsules
Unique blend of digestive enzymes
Helps with the digestion of starch and sucrose
Starch and sucrose are primarily found in grains, potatoes, fruit and processed foods like cookies and sauces
Low FODMAP-certified and vegan
Give it a try with no worries!
Intoleran offers a wide range of supplements for food intolerances. Our supplement Starchway contains the enzymes Invertase and Gluco-Amylase and aids in the digestion of sucrose and starch. Curious if it works for you? Order a Testpack and try it yourself!
Starch and sucrose are primarily found in grains, potatoes, fruit and processed foods like cookies and sauces
Low FODMAP-certified and vegan
Intoleran offers a wide range of supplements. Our supplement Starchway contains the enzymes Invertase and Gluco-Amylase.
Do you have any questions about this product? Read our frequently asked questions here. Would you like a personal answer to your questions? If so, feel free contact us.
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