Frequently asked questions
Do you have questions about our products? Many answers to your questions can be found here
FAQ about starchway
FAQ about fibractase
FAQ about quatrase
FAQ about cozidase
FAQ about DAO mini
FAQ about DAO plus
FAQ about shipping and returns
No shipping methods available for your country or do you have any questions about shipping? Please contact us!
FAQ about digestive enzymes
- Diamine Oxidase: Extracted from pig kidney extract
- Lactase powder: Extracted from the fungus Aspergillus oryzae
- Liquid lactase: Extracted from Saccharomyces Marxianus
- Alpha Galactosidase: Obtained from the fungus Aspergillus niger
- Xylose Isomerase: Obtained from Xylose medium
- Gluco-Amylase: Obtained from the mould Aspergillus niger
- Invertase: Obtained from the yeast Saccharomyses Cerevisiae
FAQ about lactase tablets and capsules
- Lactase 20,000: Tablets with the highest dose of lactase (20,000 FCC), ideal for digesting large amounts of lactose.
- Lactase 10,000: Capsules with a high dosage of lactase (10,000 FCC), ideal for digesting large quantities of lactose.
- Lactase 3000: Standard capsules with a lower dose of lactase (3000 FCC), to be used with smaller amounts of lactose.
- Lactase 2500: A small, easy-to-swallow tablet with the lowest dosage of lactase (2500 FCC). Very suitable for children.
- Lactase drops: Use to make (sweet) dairy products lactose-free. Handy for cooking or baking.
- Once a day: A probiotic with a combination of 6 specially selected lactic acid ferments. Easy to take long-term as only 1 capsule needs to be taken daily.
FAQ about lactase drops
FAQ about once a day
FAQ about fructase
we would like to help you!
Do you have questions about our products? Feel free to contact us.