Digestive enzymes
Digestive enzymes are proteins that can break down food into small pieces in the small intestine. As a small piece, the food can be absorbed into the bloodstream and used as energy. An example is the digestive enzyme Alpha Galactosidase, which supports the breakdown of complex carbohydrates from vegetables, legumes and cereals.*
If digestive enzymes are deficient, food cannot be properly absorbed. This can lead to fermentation in the colon, with risk of gas formation.
*Health claim pending European approval.
Enzymes as a base
Our supplements consist mainly of digestive enzymes. These enzymes can break down certain nutrients in the intestines. When you have a food intolerance, a certain enzyme is often missing or insufficiently present in the intestines. The enzymes in our products can then still break down these nutrients for you.
Natural ingredients
The digestive enzymes we use in our supplements are of natural origin. These enzymes come from plant sources and are almost identical to the enzymes your body normally makes. This also means that the supplements are not harmful to use on a daily basis, even in the long term. The enzymes have only one task in the intestines and then leave the body again in a natural way.
The production
We have outsourcing partners for the production of our supplements. We are happy to give you insight into their production process, from weighing ingredients and filling capsules to filling cans and packaging the boxes. Our supplements are made only with the necessary active ingredients you need!
Digestive support
When you use digestive enzymes in supplement form, as in our products, you can still digest certain nutrients, such as lactose, properly and you can prevent unpleasant intestinal complaints! Our supplements support your own digestion. So you can enjoy food again, even if you have a food intolerance!
Enjoy food again!
In everyday life, it is often easy to stick to your diet. But when you want to have dinner with friends or go out for a meal, it can be difficult to enjoy the food without worrying about what’s in it. Our supplements help you with this! So you too can enjoy eating again, despite your food intolerance.
Digestive enzymes
Digestive enzymes are important in breaking down food properly. Too few digestive enzymes can result in a food intolerance, which can cause unpleasant complaints. The best way to make up for a deficiency is to take a supplement with digestive enzymes. This reduces the risk of complaints and allows natural digestion to take place.
Free advice from our dietitians
Let us help you with your digestive complaints, like we’ve helped many others. We will help you find the solution that fits your needs best.
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