5 tips for good digestive health

At Intoleran, we’re all about enjoying food again. Enzyme supplements can be a big part of this process — but they are just that, one part.
If you want a healthier lifestyle — especially where eating is concerned — here are some tips to help you cultivate good, sustainable digestive health.
1. Build a healthy diet
This is obvious — but important. You want to have a well-balanced diet in place. This includes basic things like:
- Eating plenty of fiber
- Avoiding unhealthy fats
- Balancing macros
- Getting regular doses of probiotics
If you struggle with digestional issues, you also want to target your diet to accommodate your body’s needs. The FODMAP diet is a great way to discover and manage troublesome foods.
2. Practice portion control
How much you eat is just as important as what you eat. Portion control prevents excessive eating, which can help you avoid things like weight gain and unpleasant dietary side effects (bloating, acid reflux, etc.)
The CDC has guidelines in place to help with portion control. For example, it recommends splitting entrees with a friend or using a “to-go” box when eating out. At home, use individual plates with single servings rather than a “potluck” approach with excessive food set out on the dinner table.
3. Eliminate or minimize the bad stuff
There is plenty of unhealthy food out there. Most of these are addicting in some form or another, too, and can hurt your digestive system.
Smoking, for instance, can contribute to GERD, peptic ulcers, and multiple GI diseases. It’s better left untouched.
Other items, like alcohol and caffeine, can be consumed in moderation. Just remember that you’re not doing your digestional tract any favors in these cases. Keep them to a minimum.
4. Consider intermittent fasting
Intermittent fasting is often seen as a weight loss tool — and it’s true that it can function in that way. But it also has benefits when it comes to healthier overall digestion.
While this is admittedly a developing area of health research, Health.com reports that studies have indicated various benefits that fasting can have for your GI tract. Giving your digestional system consistent breaks can improve metabolic function and improve your gut biome.
5. Look beyond your diet
Finally, don’t stop with your diet when it comes to improving your digestion. There are many external factors that can also help.
For instance, consistent exercise helps maintain a healthy gut. Destressing is also important, as is staying hydrated.
Cultivating good digestive health
It’s important to care for your digestion. A healthy GI tract can keep your body upright and running smoothly.
Use the tips above to assess how well you’re taking care of your digestive system at the moment. If you’re experiencing unpleasant symptoms, perhaps they’re a side effect of not taking care of your diet and eating habits.
If you invest in these areas and find that you’re still struggling with dietary side effects, reach out! We’d love to help you find a supplemental solution so that you can enjoy your food again.